Saturday, August 18, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

chad + alex > so in love.

i just adore these two, they were so much fun to photograph!  alex is a true beauty & i could feel the love they have for one another, it was truly a beautiful thing.

25 life lessons-


It begins...
When I qualified as a Doctor at twenty-six years old, I thought I knew everything there was to know about health and medicine. By the age of thirty, I realized my medical training was limited and I didn’t really know much about health and wellness. So I went on a journey of discovery to expand my horizons and studied acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Functional medicine, nutrition, yoga, and Buddhism. By fifty, I realized my life training was limited too, as my daughter (a teenager at the time) was pointing out “how stupid” I was. And now that I am fifty-seven, I realize I have amassed a lot of knowledge but have so much more to learn.
As I get older and hopefully wiser with every year, certain insights become clearer. Here are some of them gleaned from the wisdom I have gained from thirty-two years of marriage to my beautiful wife, Janice; having a wonderful twenty-four-year-old daughter, Alison; and thirty-two years of practicing medicine and being a perpetual student of life.

More Real Food, Less Food-like Substances
More Fruit and Vegetables, Less Sugar, Gluten and Dairy
More Plant Foods, Less Animal Products
More Organic, Less Chemicals
More Clean Products, Less Toxic Products
More Chewing, Less Eating
More Water, Less Alcohol
More Walking, Less Driving
More Exercising, Less Sitting at the Computer
More Music, Less Noise
More Recycling, Less Waste
More Outdoors, Less Indoors
More Meditation, Less Worry
More Slow, Less Hurry
More Smiles, Less Anger
More Love, Less Hatred
More Fun, Less Serious
More Letting Go, Less Holding On
More Being, Less Doing
More Presence, Less Absence
More Generosity, Less Greed
More Forgiving, Less Blaming
More Inclusion, Less Exclusion
More Health Care, Less Disease Care
More Ubuntu, Less Me

Ubuntu is about the essence of being human, it is part of the gift that Africa will give the world. It embraces hospitality, caring about others, being able to go the extra mile for the sake of others. We believe that a person is a person through another person, that my humanity is caught up, bound up, inextricably, with yours. When I dehumanize you, I inexorably dehumanize myself. The solitary human being is a contradiction in terms. And therefore you seek to work for the common good because your humanity comes into its own in belonging.”

beauty-full words

Letter from a Mother to a Daughter

“My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago.” Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl? When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way. Remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair, and dealing with life’s issues every day. The day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient, or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you. And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don’t feel sad—just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you, my darling daughter.”

After reading this beautiful letter, it resonated with me on so many levels, as a mother, daughter, daughter in law, and a granddaughter.      

Thursday, August 16, 2012

cortney & her boys

the covert family.  a beautiful family that i really enjoyed photographing.  the boys are something special, justice the sweet gentle soul and jesse a love and totally turned it on infront of the camera..i loved it.  cortney and her boys, you can feel her love and see her love for them and oh how they adore her.  looking forward to our next shoot covert family!

words of wisdom-

“To those who stay put, the world is but an imaginary place. But to the movers, the makers, and the shakers, the world is all around, an endless invitation.”